Two things are certain when it comes to creating content that cuts through the noise:

1)        Customers are inundated with endless choice.

2)        What worked yesterday, won’t work tomorrow.

Like trend cycles, the social-sphere is constantly evolving. Our job is to help you loom large in a crowded marketplace, stay across what’s converting, and know when (and how) to pivot.

Right now, human connection matters most. Here’s why.

Just the Facts

Fact: Algorithmic codes do not address the emotional needs of your customers. 

Fact: Audiences are increasingly looking for a way to connect.

Fact: Trust is the bedrock of connection. And when customers trust us, the payoff is huge.

More than three quarters of consumers (76%) say they would buy from a brand they feel connected to over a competitor, 57% say they are more likely to increase how much they spend with a brand when they feel connected, and two thirds (66%) of consumers equate feeling connected with trust.

The thing is, algorithms don’t feel. People do.

Trust is the new currency

Trust in brands (and products) is not just about digging up an emotional response. It’s a big deal for your customers. Trust influences consumer choices, shapes consumer behaviour and guides their decision-making processes.

 So how do we establish trust in social spaces? And how can you help your brand resonate with your audience on a deeper level?

Consistent messaging and open communications are key to building genuine connections on socials. The ridiculous reachability of social media platforms, and your digital marketing team’s data rich ability to target your audience, are no longer enough to drive customers to ‘Buy Now’. Consumers want more. They want to see personality, even if it lacks the polish. And they want brands to ‘get real’.

Think personality over perfection

 According to an Aussie report, 63% of consumers are more likely to trust a brand that creates a conversation on social media with the authenticity cited as a significant trust factor, and 90% of consumers say authenticity is important when deciding which brands they like and support. This is especially true amongst Millennials who are drawn to ‘real and organic’ over ‘polished and refined’.

PS - This doesn’t mean you should shy away from leveraging auto-reply tools, it just means not using them at the expense of a brands humanness.

Rediscover your brand’s deeper meaning and its emotive power

 Double-down on brand voice and show your humanity.  Don’t be afraid to put your unique personality on a page.

Marketing guru and best-selling author, Ann Handley, says building trust is ‘not just what you say but how you sound and human truth has the power to transform brands’. Her winning formula is - Start with brand, speak the truth, and optimise with love.

Make sure your actions match your words

 The surest way to destroy trust is by failing to deliver on a brand promise, whether that’s through low-quality products, underwhelming service, or a lack of transparency.

Consumers have so much access to information, and they expect brands to share the truth about products and services. 89% of B2B and B2C customers expect to disengage from a brand that breaches their trust.

We think trustworthy is good, but trustable is better.

There’s no question that social media has revolutionised how we sell and how we shop. And the good news for brands with a social media strategy in place is that the number of consumers buying directly through social media continues to skyrocket. But brands can’t fake it till they make it. By prioritizing trust-building on socials businesses can ensure their brands resonates with customers. And when customers trust us, the payoff can be huge.

If you need help forging trust in the social sphere, we’re your peeps. At Insight the trust is baked in.


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Trust me, it’s time to get real.

Two things are certain when it comes to creating content that cuts through the noise: 1)        Customers are inundated with endless choice. 2)        What worked yesterday, won’t work tomorrow. Like trend cycles, the social-sphere is constantly evolving and right now human connection matters most. Trust is the bedrock of that connection and when customers trust us, the payoffs can be huge.

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