Many people can have what you have, but no one else can be who you are. And the same goes for your brand.

There are millions, maybe trillions of brands in the marketplace, but there is only one [insert-your-brand-name-here].

Whether you are idealistic and sincere, or boisterous and a little daring, a unique and memorable brand personality can be used to guide your social media content and ad strategies by humanising your offering in a way that only a corn tortilla, oozing with cheesy filling and dripping in salsa, can.

If Your Brand Were a Person

Brand personality or brand persona is a consistent set of human characteristics you attribute to your brand that resonate with one or more consumer segments.

We’re not talking front-facing characters here, like Paddle-Pop Lion or Colonel Sanders (but hey, if that’s your thing, go for it!). We’re talking about a personality, or set of characteristics, that set the mood for your brand and what you are trying to accomplish.

Sound a little woo-woo? Hear us out.

Your Brand Persona Opens Doors

The world’s most valuable brands all have social personalities that are instantly familiar (for example, Coca-Cola’s personality is cheerful, refreshing, and social; Harley-Davidson rebellious and gritty) and you should too. Here’s why.

1.     There is nothing more appetising to consumers than a brand they like, know, and trust. A well-defined brand persona talks to your target audience and makes your brand relatable and memorable for all the right reasons.

2.     A strong brand persona sets the tone for your brand identity (e.g. design and tone of voice). When used consistently across socials, a brand persona helps consumers develop genuine connections with your brand (hello, brand loyalty) and increases following, engagement, reach, leads, conversions and sales.

3.     As AI grips the digital world human touch is irreplaceable. Assigning human characteristics to your brand helps consumers align themselves with brands that resonate with their values, lifestyle, and preferences.

4.     Brand persona guides brand positioning and competitive differentiation. A unique and memorable brand personality helps consumers differentiate your brand from your competitors.

Juicy, Cheesy, and Full of Flavour

When done right, a distinct brand persona is a powerful tool. Here are our top three tips for creating a brand persona that packs a punch.

1.     Research, Research, Research

Get to know your target audience. Find out their needs, preferences, backgrounds, expectations, and aspirations.

2.     Do Some Soul-Searching

Ask yourself (and your team) questions as if your brand were a person. (How does my brand act at a party? What does my brand talk about with friends?)

3.     Assign Characteristics to Your Brand

Choose core personality traits that align with these findings. Use these traits to develop a consistent and personable social presence and communication style (think, tone of voice, visual identity, core values etc) that can be used across your content and ad strategies.

Need help?

Our Brand Persona Template will help you craft a unique and memorable brand personality that can be used to guide your social media content and ad strategies.  

If you need help getting your brand (and his/her personality) performing for the right audience across all the right platforms, be sure to hit us up.

When it comes to unleashing the full power of your brand, our Social First A Team are cooking up results that grow brands again, and again and again.

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